Sunday, November 29, 2009

Help Bad Hair Cut?

I had a girlfriend of mine cut my hair she just got her beautician license. I wanted the hair cut like the Pantene Model for their Iceshine shampoo line. Where it has longer bangs, a chunky layer just below the jaw and another one about collar bone lenght. The back is long and all one lenght. The back looks good she never touched it.My friend messed up she cut my short layer at my cheek and the longer one adam apple lenght. How do I regrow my hair? It looks like hell.

Help Bad Hair Cut?

Umm - best thing to do is to consult a more experienced hair dresser %26amp; see if he/she can do something to make the layers blend a bit better so you can grow them out gracefully.

Here are some examples:

Help Bad Hair Cut?

i would go to a professional and get a cute short haircut!

Help Bad Hair Cut?

Well, to begin with, hair generally grows half an inch per month. So, bear with it.

If you feel brave enough to do so, go to a really good hairdresser for a shaping. Yes, she will be offended. But, she only just got her license and she is still learning. Meanwhile, she is best off keeping to shapes and styles she is accustomed to.

If she chooses to try something new, it is best if she researches the style for information as to the "geometry" of the look.

Help Bad Hair Cut?

You will just have to wait it out to let it grow back. In the mean time you could get a cute short haircut by an experienced person, get a wig, or if you really want it long quick with no wig try Woman's Rogain.

Help Bad Hair Cut?

I once got a bad haircut too.See if you can get it evem but not completly cut off.Or find a different style you like and don't cut it any shorter.

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