Friday, June 18, 2010

If I have shoulder length brown hair, what is a good "emo/scene" cut?

I go to a private school with a bunch of rich snobs. I am currently trying to make my look more edgy. I have a slightly rounded face with a bit of a sharp jaw. The biggest issue i have is that i have freckles. it really messes with the look! my hair is shoulder length and a very light brown (auburn). i dont want to cut my hair to a really short "boy cut" but i could shorter. and suggestions for colors and/or cuts? pictures would be rad.



If I have shoulder length brown hair, what is a good "emo/scene" cut?

If I have shoulder length brown hair, what is a good "emo/scene" cut?

i wouldnt really call emo/scene styles "edgy" shave it off and have a tattoo on your head that should shock a few people

If I have shoulder length brown hair, what is a good "emo/scene" cut?

go to photobucket and type in scene hair it will pull up tons of pics i like the cuts where its long but has short layers on top and side swept bangs you'll see it on photobucket. Hope you find one you like!

If I have shoulder length brown hair, what is a good "emo/scene" cut?

you can go onto and jsut look through peoples profiles...theres PLENTY of good hairstyles there or try searching and typing in emohair or scenehair in pictures. hope that helps!

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